Buckwheat - recipe

Category:  Porridge
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Buckwheat groats (unground) - 200 gr
  • Water - 600 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 2 tbs

For 1 batch(es) ()

Buckwheat Directions

Multicooker firm: SCARLETT


1. Sort the buckwheat thoroughly, then rinse 2-3 times.
2. On the program "FRY" , stirring constantly, fry the buckwheat.
3. Add water, sugar and cook for 30 minutes on the CEREALS program.
4. After cooking, add butter.


Sort the buckwheat thoroughly, then rinse in 2-3 waters.
Heat a dry frying pan and fry the buckwheat, stirring constantly, until golden brown for 4-5 minutes.
Boil water in a mule cooker, lightly salt.
Pour in the fried buckwheat and bring to a boil. Add sugar.
Cook for 20 minutes. Add butter.
Leave to languish for 20 minutes.

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